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이중, 적층, 복층 하수관 압출 line

Duplex sewerage pipe extrusion line


용도 / Application

ㆍ주택, 아파트, 시가지, 도로 양측 하수 및 우·오수용 관로
ㆍ폐수 및 위생물 처리장 관로
ㆍ농·공업용수 배수, 송수관
ㆍ골프장, 운동장, 광장 등의 오·폐수 관로
ㆍ교량, 터널, 해안매립공사, 댐 배수관로
ㆍ각종 단지 조성시 하수관, 우·오수관로
ㆍPipe foul water and wastewater at houses, apartments, commercial districts and streets
ㆍPipe for waste water and hygiene materials treatment facility
ㆍDrain pipe for agicultural and industrial water and water pipe
ㆍWaste pipe for golf clubs, playground and squares
ㆍDrain pipe for bridge, tunnel, and seaside reclaiming work and dam
ㆍDrain pipe and waste pipe for constructing various building complexes

제품 / product